The word GOD means perfect, omnipotent, divine, immortal etc. When we consider our God as God, we stand in awe of his might and potential. We feel that we are like dust before him as St.Paul said. From our childhood we develop a sense of fear, reverence and begin to follow a ritualistic routine so as to abide and align our life in a way pleasing to God and society.
The word LORD
The word LORD Kyrios[Greek], Dominus [Latin], Dynamus [dynamite], Adonai [Hebrew] means ruler, master with power and authority. In the Bible if we watch carefully the word lord refers to husband, Lord to king and LORD (all caps) to Yahweh. He is full of power and authority.
From My God to My Lord
As long as God is God in our life, our relationship with Him is a passive one and His potential is not fully effective in our life. If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.[Romans 10:9] The moment we accept JESUS as our LORD, our life transforms completely. We ourselves allow Him to use His power to lead our lives. We must not have any inhibitions.
This is the time His will becomes our will. God’s will, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. He is our living companion, taking control of every situation, every moment, every day and our entire life, with power and authority, depending upon the degree of trust we have in Him and how far we have surrendered our lives to Him. He will lead us to the pinnacle of success and summit of Glory.
Life – A chariot with many horses
Our life is like a chariot with many horses. If each go in its own direction, we just cannot move one bit forward. Now is the time to give the reins to our Lord and Master. Give him the reins, see him reign, let abundance of Grace and Mercy rain on us. Let Lord Jesus Christ be a dynamic God so kinetic in our lives.
God is not an abstract entity. He is an absolute reality. Every creation of the creator should find God, experience Him and feel His presence, by the time our life cease to exist. All prayers and formations are just starter packs for this greater purpose.
God Experience
On one fine day, which is sure and certain in everyone’s life, we will have that ‘GOD EXPERIENCE’. Then we come to know the purpose of our existence, our mission and target, bringing focus to our future. The Joy of this moment is just awesome. From that moment, we are led by that Kindly Light and a tender whisper guiding amidst encircling gloom. We must sustain this light and voice all our lives, never let it fade, or die out.
St.Padre Pio said “Let us first look at ourselves. The infinite distance between the azure and the abyss generates humility.” God is infinite in all dimensions. This God so infinite seeks your finite heart to rest, live and make you one with him. He knows you before your birth and is going to be with you after your death. Only during this earthly life we fail to seek him. St. Augustine says “My heart is restless until I find my Rest in Thee”.
Let seeking and being with God be our prime aim in our life. Let every prayer be addressed to Abba father, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.
– – – written by Cecilia Francis