World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday

Some give to the missions by going. Some go by giving. Mission Sunday is the day to reach out beyond the needs of the local Parish and diocese to assist missionaries as they ‘go and tell’ in the young churches. It is on the third Sunday of October.

The Pope recently noted ‘when we bring people only knowledge, technical competency and tools we bring them too little; often the greatest suffering is the absence of God.’

Please assist the Young Churches in their response to people who are hungry for God, not just bread and freedom. Over 1100 dioceses in Mission territories are heavily dependent on the Mission Sunday collection. The money raised by the Universal Church on Mission Sunday is especially channelled to the poorest and neediest missions. A unique aspect of the Mission Sunday Collections is that it is sent in its entirety to a mission territory.

Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, calls every Catholic to celebrate, at the Eucharist, our vocation to be missionary and to help the Missions. “As Catholics around the world, here at home and in the Missions, as we gather at the Eucharist around the table of the Lord, let us… PRAY for the Church’s worldwide mission OFFER FINANCIAL HELP through the PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH for more than 1,150 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands.

“World Mission Sunday falls, this year, on the 19th October and has, as its theme, ‘Help others to see Jesus’. We are challenged, not only to look for him ourselves, but also to help others in their own search. World Mission Sunday encourages prayer and financial support for the missionary work of the Catholic Church in a world where millions have yet to hear the Gospel, and where the Church often faces serious threats from secularism, other religious groups and hostile regimes.

The Association for the Propagation of the Faith (APF), which coordinates Mission Sunday, is the only Church organisation that supports the growth and development of all of the 1,075 Mission dioceses worldwide. The money raised throughout the world on Mission Sunday helps support 194,855 schools, 5,246 hospitals, 17,530 dispensaries and 577 leprosy centres and 80,560 social and pastoral projects.

In this year’s World Mission Sunday poster, Christ the Redeemer opens his arms to welcome all, especially the poor and vulnerable. We share in Christ’s mission of bringing the peace of the Kingdom of God into our world – his mission is ours.

Why celebrate World Mission Sunday?

Mission Sunday unites Catholics all over the world in prayer, mutual friendship and support, both spiritual and material. On World Mission Sunday we explicitly celebrate and share Jesus’ mission locally and globally. It is celebrated in every parish in the world!

Every parish and every diocese in the world contributes towards the fund of Universal Solidarity which is then shared out ‘from each according to their resources, to each according to their need’. The monies from England and Wales go directly to the Bishops in the mission territories – local church directly helping local church!

Mission Focus:-

World Mission Sunday encourages prayer and financial support for the missionary work of the Catholic Church in a world where millions have yet to hear the Gospel, and where the Church often faces serious threats from materialism, other religious groups and hostile regimes.

There are 1,114,966,000 Catholics who form 17% of the world’s population. In Africa they represent 17% of the population; In America 63%; In Asia 3%; In Europe 40% and in Oceania 26%.

CLICK HERE to download PDF on Mission Sunday Focus.

CLICK HERE to see the best movie on Mission.

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