Messianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillments

Prophecies Concerning His Lineage
Genesis 3:15Born of seed of womanGalatians 4:4
Genesis 21:12Descendant of IsaacMatthew 1:1,2
Genesis 22:18Seed of AbrahamMatthew 1:1
Genesis 49:10Of the tribe of JudahMatthew 1:1,2
Numbers 24:17Descendant of JacobMatthew 1:1,2
Isaiah 11:1, 10Descendant of JesseMatthew 1:1,6
Jeremiah 23:5Descendant of DavidMatthew 1:1,6, Revelation 22:16
Psalm 2:7Son of GodMatthew 17:5, Luke 3:38, Luke 22:70
Prophecies Concerning His Birth
Psalm 72:10Kings will present giftsMatthew 2:1-11
Isaiah 7:14Born of a virginMatthew 1:23-25, Luke 2:7
Isaiah 7:14Will be called ImmanuelMatthew 1:23
Jeremiah 31:15Children will be killedMatthew 2:16-18
Micah 5:2Will be born in BethlehemLuke 2:4-7
Prophecies Concerning His Ministry
Deuteronomy 18:15-18Will be a ProphetMatthew 21:11, John 6:14
Psalm 29:11Will bless His people with peaceActs 10:36, John 14:27
Psalm 31:5Will commit Himself to GodLuke 23:46
Psalm 45:2Will speak words of graceLuke 4:22
Psalm 68:18Will ascend to heavenActs 1:9, Hebrews 1:3, Mark 16:19
Psalm 69:9Will have a zeal for GodJohn 2:15-17
Psalm 78:2Will teach parablesMatthew 13:34,35
Psalm 110:4Will be a priestHebrews 5:5,6, Hebrews 3:1
Isaiah 2:4He will judge & rebuke manyMatthew 11:20
Isaiah 9:1Will begin ministry in GalileeMatthew 4:12-17
Isaiah 9:6He’s eternalJohn 8:58, John 1:1, Romans 9:5
Isaiah 11:2Anointing of the Holy SpiritMark 1:10,11
Isaiah 33:22Will be JudgeActs 10:40-42, Matthew 25:31-34,
Isaiah 35:5,6Will have a ministry of miraclesJohn 5:5-9, Luke 7:22
Isaiah 42:1, 49:1He will minister to GentilesLuke 2:32
Isaiah 53:12Will make intercessionLuke 23:34, Romans 8:34
Isaiah 60:3Will be a Light to GentilesActs 13:47,48
Micah 5:2Jesus’ pre-existenceColossians 1:17, John 1:1
Zechariah 9:9Will be KingJohn 18:33-38, Matthew 27:37
Zechariah 9:9Triumphal entry on a donkeyLuke 19:35-37
Malachi 3:1Will be preceded by messengerJohn 1:23, Matthew 3:1-3
Malachi 3:1Will enter the templeMatthew 21:12
Prophecies Concerning Others’ Reactions to Him
Psalm 69:4Will be hated without causeJohn 15:24,25
Psalm 69:9Will be reproachedRomans 15:3
Psalm 110:1, Jeremiah 23:6Will be called LORDJohn 20:28, Luke 2:11
Isaiah 9:6Will be called GodJohn 20:28, Titus 2:13
Isaiah 11:10Gentiles will seek HimJohn 12:18-21
Isaiah 28:16, Psalm 118:22Jews will reject Him, but …Acts 4:11,12, I Peter 2:7
Isaiah 53:3, Psalm 31:11Will be ignored by own peopleJohn 1:11
Prophecies Concerning His Death
Psalm 16:10, Hosea 6:2Will rise from the deadActs 2:31
Psalm 22:1Forsaken by His FatherMark 15:33, Matthew 27:46
Psalm 22:7,8Will be ridiculedMatthew 27:39-44
Psalm 22:14Heart will be brokenJohn 19:34
Psalm 22:16, Zechariah 12:10Hands & feet will be piercedLuke 23:33
Psalm 22:17,18Will be stripped and stared atLuke 23:34,35
Psalm 22:18Soldiers will cast His clothingLuke 23:34, John 19:23,24
Psalm 34:20Bones will not be brokenJohn 19:33
Psalm 35:11Accusation by false witnessMatthew 26:59,60
Psalm 38:11Friends standing at a distanceLuke 23:49, Mark 15:40
Psalm 41:9Will be betrayed by a friendLuke 22:47,48, John 18:1-6
Psalm 69:21Will be offered vinegar & gallJohn 19:28,29, Matthew 27:34
Psalm 109:25, Psalm 22:7,8People will wag their headsMatthew 27:39, Mark 15:29,30
Isaiah 50:6People will spit in His faceMatthew 26:67
Isaiah 53:5Will be whippedMatthew 27:26
Isaiah 53:7Will be silent before accusersMatthew 27:12
Isaiah 53:9Buried in rich man’s graveMatthew 27:57-60
Isaiah 53:12Numbered with transgressorsMark 15:27,28
Amos 8:9Darkness will cover the landMatthew 27:45
Zechariah 11:12Betrayed for 30 pieces of silverMatthew 26:14,15
Zechariah 11:13Money thrown in house of LordMatthew 27:5
Zechariah 11:13Price for potter’s fieldMatthew 27:6,7
Zechariah 12:10Look on whom piercedJohn 19:34-37
Zechariah 12:10Side will be piercedJohn 19:34

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